Friday, January 29, 2016

Week of February 1st

Februray 1 - 5, 2016

Outside Car Line
Bus Line
F. Smith
Ticket To Read
 Lothspeich, Walls, Christopher, P. Smith
Parking Lot (PM)

Monday, February 1st 
H day

2:00 Dismissal
Lesson Plan check
8:00-8:20 practice for 5th grade assembly leaders

 8:20-8:40 practice for 4th grade assembly leaders
Tuesday, February 2nd
A day
8:00-8:20 practice for 3rd grade assembly leaders

 Wednesday, February 3rd
B day
Fifth Grade Assembly-8:30-9:00 AM
CLAS visitors in the building
with Dr. Jeter

Respectful Bus Riders
 Thursday, February 4th
C day
Fourth Grade Assembly-8:30-9:00 AM
Assembly Leaders Lunch with the Principals 11:45 AM
Science Textbook Committee at the board 3:30-4:15 PM
 Friday, February 5th
D day
Third Grade Assembly-8:30-9:0 AM 
End of AR for second trimester

Discern-to make out, pick out, or distinguish something. 

Character Trait-Kindness-showing others they are valuable by how you treat them. 

Tech Tip- 50 Apps all kids should play at least once according to Common Sense Media 50 apps for all ages

No birthdays this week.

Where in the World is Mrs. Schmitt? District Data Meeting Monday 8:30-11:30, CCRS all day on Tuesday, off on Friday 

Where in the World is Ms. Stacks? Science Textbook Expo all day on Monday 

Where in the World is Dr. Jeter? District Data Meeting Monday 8:30-11:30, CCRS all day on Tuesday, meeting with special guests on Wednesday

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Club Day!

Our first Club Day and Teacher Professional Learning of 2nd semester was a huge success!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 25-29, 2016

L. Smith
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
Ticket To Read
 Lothspeich, Walls, Christopher, P. Smith
Parking Lot (PM)

Monday, January 25th 
D day

2:00 Dismissal
100th Day of School! Emergency Preparedness for Teachers 2:00 Media Center with Office Bryant
TCS Board meeting 6:00 PM
Tuesday, January 26th
E day

Friday Freeze
 Wednesday, January 27th
Club day
 Club Day
 Thursday, January 28th
F day

 Friday, January 29th
G day
Second Semester Cutoff Date for Millionaire Club

Happy birthday on Tuesday to Ryan Hook! 

Tech Tip: Visit Design-Thinking Tools for Students for a collection of apps, websites, and games offering students authentic opportunities to create. 

Where in the World is Mrs. Schmitt: HTHS 8:30-11:00 AM Wednesday, training at the board 8:30-10:30 AM Friday 

Where in the World is Ms. Stacks: on campus all week 

Where in the World is Dr. Jeter: HTHS 8:30-11:00 AM Wednesday, training at the board 8:30-10:30 Friday

Below is the calendar approved yesterday by the calendar committee. It now must go to the board for approval. My understanding is that the calendar must sit for one month at the board level and should be officially approved in March. Please remember this is for one year only! The late start and the later end time was must due to the opening of the new schools.

Presenting Research Projects in 5th Grade

Students in Mrs. Brasher's 5th grade Language classes confidently presented research projects that coincided with a unit on informational writing.  Students chose a topic of interest to them and conducted research to find out more about that topic.  Non-fiction books and websites were great sources of information.  Students gathered and organized information in accordance with guidelines provided by Mrs. Brasher.  The final projects were created and saved on Google Slides and students presented to their classmates.  Projects were graded on research, presentation and the content and structure of the slide show.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Library News!

Hi Parents and Faculty:

See link below for our Paine Library newsletter!

Library News

Friday, January 22, 2016

Library Fundraiser!!


Our "Time for Reading" magazine fundraiser is here! 

WHAT: Magazine Subscriptions- renew your subscriptions or subscribe to new magazines for you or your children. The renewal year will start at the end of your current subscription year; new orders will begin immediately. All proceeds go to the library!

WHEN: January 25th- February 1st

HOW: The order forms and information are all coming home in a packet in your student’s backpack. Complete the postcard booklet and send it back in. Fill out the order forms for any magazines you want to order. It’s that simple!

TIP: Do you know a doctor, lawyer, or dentist? Ask them to renew their waiting room magazines through our school!

Thank you so much for helping our school!

Allie Aldrich
Library Media Specialist
Paine Intermediate School

Rocking and Rolling with Reading and Writing

Our students were "Rocking-and-Rolling" with Intervention this morning in all classrooms!! Other students were actively engaged in reading!

Impressive student writing on display on the 3rd grade hall! Mrs. Peters' class engaged in an independent writing assignment. :-) 

Friday, January 15, 2016

January 18 - 22, 2016

Week of January 18, 2016
Lesson Plan Check
Add Evidence to your PLP this month

J. Moore
Outside Car Line
M. Wright
Bus Line
Ticket To Read
 Lothspeich, Walls, Christopher, P. Smith
Parking Lot (PM)

Monday, January 18th 

Schools Closed 
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 19th
A day

 Wednesday, January 20th
B day
 Class Pictures
 Thursday, January 21st
C day
Get free QR Code reader on the electronic device you plan to bring to PD on Monday, January 25th. If you need help with this, ask Ms. Stacks or your nearest tech-savvy friend.
 Friday, January 22nd
D day
Friday Freeze 
RTI Meetings

Happy birthday to Callie Russell on Friday! 

Tech Tip: Common Sense Education is a great resource. Click Free Websites for some great, vetted websites for learning. 

Where in the World is Mrs. Schmitt: Key Leaders all day on Wednesday 

Where in the World is Ms. Stacks: On campus all week 

Where in the World is Dr. Jeter: Key Leaders all day on Wednesday, alternating 2 days at a time between PP and PI

Science Vertical Team Meeting January 15, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Congratulations to 5th grade teacher Mrs. Ryan Hook for being nominated and voted as Paine Elementary School's (3-5) Jacksonville State Teacher Hall of Fame for the 2015-2016 school year!

An awesome honor for a phenomenal teacher! Congratulations Mrs. Hook!!

Preparing Students for Emergencies

Thank you to School Resource Officer John Bryant!  He is taking groups of students during a part of their Specials time and showing them what to do in different areas of the building during emergency situations.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016