Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Club Day Reminder

Hello Everyone:

Our next Club Day/Teacher Professional Development is scheduled for Wednesday, November 19th! We understand that next week will be very busy for some, and a few of you will possibly miss your club day time due to a previously scheduled conference.

Having said that, below you will find the Club Day plan for Wednesday:

We will have blended professional development next week for club day. Each content area will receive an email from your academic coach outlining specifically what should be completed during your allotted club day professional development time. We will not meet as a joint group, instead, you will engage in your P.D. activities for the day in your classroom. I ask that everyone stop by the counseling suite to sign in, then head back to your room to begin working!

Literacy teachers will view tutorials offered from Renaissance-U and AR360 and Math teachers will spend half of their P.D. time working on your specific curriculum guide. There will be follow-up of the assignments that you complete on Wednesday, 11-19-14, during our next club day. Lisa and Kelly will email you a more detailed club day outline for your content area, but I’ve provided a general overview. Feel free to email us with any questions. 

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