Monday, December 1, 2014

Academic Vocabulary Implementation Update

Below you will find a detailed overview, rooted in research, of the benefits of academic vocabulary and best practices for teaching vocabulary. I mentioned in the last TAC response that a more detailed overview would be provided.

The research of Robert J. Marzano, Julia A. Simms, and Dr. Kate Kinsella recommends that academic vocabulary instruction at the elementary level be implemented by the classroom teacher.  It’s the classroom teacher’s role to introduce and explicitly teach the words.  The specialist teachers must intentionally reinforce the same words, requiring students’ regular and accurate use of these words within their specific content.

It is the principal’s role to monitor and support effective implementation.  Academic Vocabulary Instruction is no longer the sole responsibility of the Language Arts teacher.  The CCRS requires that the shared responsibility of literacy instruction include general academic vocabulary instruction in all subject areas. 

In response to the TAC question concerning our academic coaches using WPIN to teach the words for all students, this would not be effective implementation of these words as stated above.   Many times students do not pay attention to WPIN; therefore, there would be no explicit teaching.  “Direct teaching of vocabulary might be one of the most underused activities in K-12 education.  The lack of vocabulary instruction might be a result of misconceptions about what it means to teach vocabulary and its potential effect on student learning.” – Marzano, 2002.

“In order for students to be able to use a word effectively in either speaking or writing they need to have explicit, scaffolded instruction. “  - Kate Kinsella. 2010. 

Our academic coaches, as well as the members of the Professional Learning Team for academic vocabulary will continue to provide the words for you through the blog.   A sample lesson will also be posted; however, it is our recommendation that you make this your own and not use the same method of introducing the words each time, i.e. PowerPoints, etc.  We all know that students typically get bored with the same routine, and we feel that academic vocabulary is too important to teach incorrectly.  Please use 15 minutes of your “meeting time” on A Day to introduce the word.  

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