Monday, September 29, 2014

PTO News

Thank you so much for your part in the success of the Fall Fundraiser!  We are excited to announce the top selling teacher and winner of the $100 Visa gift card……..
Lydia Smith
The PTO would also like to announce the top selling teacher per hall and provide a Taziki’s lunch for them on October 10!   (email your order)
Red Hall- Kristy Windham
Purple Hall- Jana LoPresti
Orange Hall- Lydia Smith
Green Hall- Jana Walls
Blue Hall- Lynette Summers
Yellow Hall- Maddie Long
Congratulations and again thank you for all you do for our children every day!  We appreciate you so much!!

Beth Underwood on behalf of Paine Intermediate PTO fundraiser

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Schedule for Posting Work in Hallways

Schedule for Displaying Student Work  October 6
Hallway Left of Library
Hallway Right of Library
Left Side of Gym Hall
Right Side of Gym Hall
Hallway Right of Stairs
Lunchroom Bulletin Board

Week of September 29

Duties for Week of September 29

J Moore
Lewis, (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
Camara, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Fox, Christopher
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PP)

Mon, September 29
E Day

Specialists Meeting @ 8:00 in Art Room

Dismissal @ 2:00
CAD Meetings

Fourth Grade GaTE Students to Farm School

Tues, September 30
F Day

Fourth Grade GaTE Students at Farm School

Wed, October 1
Club Day
Club Day

Make Up Pictures

Fourth Grade GaTE Students Return from Farm School

Thurs, October 2
G Day

Fri, October 3
H Day

3rd Grade Trussville Walking Tour (Kuhn/Williamson, Sulser/Windham)

Happy Birthday!
Marlene Murrell                     September 29
Rashel Darnell                        September 29
Alayna Tippen                        October 1
Kim Hendrick                         October 3

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

3rd Grade Assembly September

Our first Leadership Assembly of the 2014-15 school year!  We are so proud of all our 3rd grade leaders!  Many thanks to our Specialist PLT for designing the assemblies!
                                 Speakers: Reid Stodghill, Crawford Warren, Jane Christopher
                              Technology Leader: Julia Georgia and Music Leader: Abbie Argo

                                                            3rd Grade Spirit Squad

3rd Grade Leaders of the Month

                                                    3rd Grade Students of the Month

Monday, September 22, 2014

IPad/Chromebook Maintenance

Teachers as we begin our new phase of each CAD having access to a set of IPads or Chromebooks, I would like to remind you of a few best practices in the maintenance of these electrical devices.

  • These electronic devices are the property of the school, just like library books.  Students would not damage or mistreat a library book, out of respect for the other students who would like to read that book.  It should be the same with the IPads or Chromebooks.  They were purchased for everyone to use and enjoy.
  • Once broken or badly damaged an IPad or Chromebook might not be replaced or repaired depending on funds available. (I would not count on funds being available.)
  • The cases on the IPads cost money too.  Please remind students not to tear pieces off the cases, poke holes in the cases with pencils, draw on the cases or damage them in any way.
  • Students should not go into the IPad's settings at all.  If anything needs to be changed in settings, which is highly unlikely, an adult should do it.
  • Students should NOT change the passcode.  If a passcode is changed, and we don't know which child changed the password, we can no longer access that IPad.  It becomes an expensive paper weight or coaster.
  • Just as you would not let your students carry your laptop around school, do not let them carry IPads or Chromebooks around the school.  If there is an activity that requires taking the devices outside of your classroom, the devices should be placed in a tub and the teacher should carry that tub to the alternate location.
  • Wiping the IPads and Chromebooks down with a Clorox wipe will prevent the spread of germs.
I know that with all of us working together, we can keep our electronic devices in good, working condition for the benefit of all.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Four Square

Coach Carlile teaches students the correct rules and procedures of four square.  Our courtyard monitor, Belinda Prosser, visited the gym to gain knowledge about what our students were learning about four square so that she could re-enforce the skills that The coaches introduced.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week of September 22

Duties for Week of September 22

J Waites, (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
Childs, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Fox, Christopher
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PI)

Mon, September 22
H Day

5th Gr Classes to Camp McDowell (Minisman, Moore, Summers)

Dismissal @ 2:00
CAD Meetings

Tues, September 23
A Day

5th Gr Classes to Camp McDowell (Almon, Bramlett, Lewis, Perry, M Wright)

Book Fair Family Night

Wed, September 24
B Day
5th Gr Classes to Camp McDowell (Brasher, Dahlke, M Long)

3rd Grade Assembly 8:15

Special Education Meeting 3:00

Thurs, September 25
C Day
5th Gr Classes to Camp McDowell (Brandon, Darnell, McLaughlin)

4th Gr Assembly 8:15

Book Fair Family Night

Fri, September 26
D Day
5th Gr Assembly 8:15

RtI Meetings

Friday Freeze

Happy Birthday!
Lori Phillips                 September 21
Jana Field                     September 22
Rashel Darnell             September 29
Marlene Murrell         September 29



Library Information

Teachers, please:
  • Add the book fair to your important dates in your newsletter
  • Preview the book fair today.  (You are welcome to bring your class to preview the book fair.)   
  • Complete your teacher wish list.  (Teachers that complete those by Friday afternoon will receive a free book from your list.)                        

Library Specials- All classes scheduled for library next week will go to Mrs. Wilson’s room (beside the library) the entire time. A basket will be placed outside of her room for returning books.  We will renew books of those students that have classes during the book fair. 

Flex time-flex time will be closed next week due to the Book Fair.  Teachers are welcome to bring their class to the library on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for checkout as long as they remain with their students.   

Please remind students if they are shopping at the book fair they are to only shop first if their special is P.E. For all other specials (art, music, etc.) they should go on to that scheduled special and those teachers will send them to the book fair at the end of their time. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sedimentary Rock Activity

I visited and was invited into Mrs. Moore's 3rd Grade Science Class as they engaged in a hands-on Science Activity! The children were so excited to tell me what they did, why they were doing it and how they completed the activity. Numerous hands "flew-up" when I said, "someone tell me what you all have been working on." Not only were they excited about the assignment, Mrs. Moore was very involved and engaged as well. I asked her to give me a deeper description of the activity so that I could share with all!

     "We have been studying rocks and minerals for a couple of weeks now. We started out reading about the Earth’s layers and what they are made up of. We found out that the mantle of the Earth is where our igneous and metamorphic rocks come from. We made a model of the Earth’s layers to go in our Science binder.

The students each brought in a rock from home. I read them the book, If You Find a Rock by Peggy Christian. In this book it talks about the different types of rocks we see every day (skipping, walking, sitting, climbing, wishing, memory, crossing, chalk, etc.) and they had to try and figure out what kind of rock that they had brought in to school from home.

In our Science books we read in chapter 7 about how rocks are identified by their properties. We discussed what the word properties meant and read examples of how rocks can be described. The students then got to observe their rocks with Loupes. They then described their rocks by the way they looked and felt and drew what they looked like up close.

I read the book Rocks: Hard, soft, smooth and rough and the students had rocks, that I distributed out, in their hands. While I read the story, the students decided if the properties that I was describing identified their rock. While reading the story we stopped to identify the different types of rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic)  and how they are formed." 

Students studied the layers of Sedimentary rocks by creating their very own rock! They used pudding, graham crackers, chocolate chips and marshmallows to create their edible rock!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Great Way to Do Your Read-A-Loud

Jane Sulser has The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane on her IPad.  The pages were projected so that students could follow along as Jane read the text.  Everyone could enjoy the pictures too!

Another interesting component to this read-a-loud, was that Jane (the math teacher) read it to her class just before they switched to their literacy teacher.  Students completed an activity related to the chapter in their reading class.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Family News

Family News - Please keep Kimberly Hendrick and her family in your prayers.  Kimberly had minor surgery a week ago and has encountered an infection which should respond to antibiotics.  Kimberly's son, Kason, was taken to the emergency room at the end of last week and diagnosed with Salmonella.  This past Friday, Kimberly's husband's grandfather went into the hospital for a fairly common surgery.  While recovering, his body went into septic shock, which can be very dangerous.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Recess is Good!

First United Methodist Donates School Supplies

Trussville First United Methodist held a school supplies drive during August for the students of Paine Primary and Paine Intermediate.  The supplies were presented to the schools this week by Pastor Mark Lacey and Director of Children's Ministry Beth Burden.  We are so appreciative of the generosity of First United Methodist.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bathroom Reminders

Teachers just a few reminders about bathroom procedures:

  • Students should go to the bathrooms as a class, unless it is an absolute emergency
  • Monitors should check the bathrooms before a class enters and after it leaves to 
        determine if the bathroom is mess-free
  • Students should be conservative on their use of soap and paper towels

Week of September 15

Duties for Week of September 15

L Smith
Higg, Fox (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
Ekonen, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
M Long
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Gudgen
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PP)


Mon, September 15
C Day

Dismissal @ 2:00
Safety and RTI Meeting in Library @ 2:00

Tues, September 16
D Day

Chick-fil-a Spirit Day
Wed, September 17
E Day
Constitution Day
Fall Pictures

Thurs, September 18
F Day
Progress Reports Sent Home

Educate Alabama Self Assessments Due

Fri, September 19
G Day
Have you joined PTO?  If not, please consider joining for just $5! 

Happy Birthday!
Donna Griffith             September 16
Allie Aldrich                September 17
Lori Phillips                 September 21