Monday, September 22, 2014

IPad/Chromebook Maintenance

Teachers as we begin our new phase of each CAD having access to a set of IPads or Chromebooks, I would like to remind you of a few best practices in the maintenance of these electrical devices.

  • These electronic devices are the property of the school, just like library books.  Students would not damage or mistreat a library book, out of respect for the other students who would like to read that book.  It should be the same with the IPads or Chromebooks.  They were purchased for everyone to use and enjoy.
  • Once broken or badly damaged an IPad or Chromebook might not be replaced or repaired depending on funds available. (I would not count on funds being available.)
  • The cases on the IPads cost money too.  Please remind students not to tear pieces off the cases, poke holes in the cases with pencils, draw on the cases or damage them in any way.
  • Students should not go into the IPad's settings at all.  If anything needs to be changed in settings, which is highly unlikely, an adult should do it.
  • Students should NOT change the passcode.  If a passcode is changed, and we don't know which child changed the password, we can no longer access that IPad.  It becomes an expensive paper weight or coaster.
  • Just as you would not let your students carry your laptop around school, do not let them carry IPads or Chromebooks around the school.  If there is an activity that requires taking the devices outside of your classroom, the devices should be placed in a tub and the teacher should carry that tub to the alternate location.
  • Wiping the IPads and Chromebooks down with a Clorox wipe will prevent the spread of germs.
I know that with all of us working together, we can keep our electronic devices in good, working condition for the benefit of all.

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