Saturday, January 31, 2015

4th Grade Electric Villages

Half of our 4th grade classes created electric villages for parents and classes in other grade levels to view.  4th grade students taught these visitors about electric circuits.

Research on Walkthroughs

From the book, Engaging Teachers in Classroom Walkthroughs, we learn of many purposes of school and district Walkthroughs. Here are a couple of summarizations on Walkthroughs and Instructional Rounds:

"...creating a culture in every school whereby all staff members learn from one another. Walkthroughs [are] considered a learning process to enable teachers to identify the instructional areas they wanted to improve and identify practices to implement in their own classrooms." 

"...instructional rounds in which small groups of teachers [from various places possibly] make brief observations of their fellow teachers for the primary purpose of comparing and improving their practice."

Walkthroughs and Rounds are definitely something we should look forward to as teachers! 

Friday, January 30, 2015

5th Grade Assembly

Congratulations to the leaders in 5th grade wh were recognized at our assembly Friday morning.  Pictured below are Assembly Leaders, Technology Leaders, Music Leaders, Students of the Month, Leaders of the Month and students who served on Safety Patrol.


Congratulations to our Assistant Principal, Kristi Stacks. She officially completed her Educational Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) from Samford University. Congratulations Ms. Stacks!! We are proud of you!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

PI Breakfast and Snack Food Drive

The Trussville Community participates in the annual Valentine "Love Your Neighbor Food Drive," and the PI family will participate once again this year!! We are asking everyone to bring snacks and breakfast food items to give. The drive will run February 9-13, 2015 to benefit TEAM- Trussville's local food bank.

For more information see Mrs. Naylor, Counselor. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Electric Circuits Unit

Students in Mrs. Deneke's class are learning, discussing and analyzing how electric circuits work. Students made connections to things within their lives that require an electric circuit!!

Academic Vocabulary

We are enjoying the journey as we incorporate and learn new academic vocabulary words. You can find our academic vocabulary just about anywhere around the school!!

3rd Grade Assembly

Congratulations to all of our 3rd grade leaders who received awards for leadership in our assembly Wednesday morning.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

4th Grade Assembly

Congratulations to leaders who were recognized in our 4th grade Assembly Tuesday morning!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Board Member Appreciation Month-Thank You

Thank you to everyone for the support and gratitude you all showed toward our Board Members for Board Member Appreciation Month! 

Update-TCS Bus

Good Morning Paine Intermediate Parents:

We had an elementary school bus get stranded on a sharp turn this morning.  A bus was making a right turn at Queenstown and Pear Street and the right rear wheel went into a small ditch. There were no student or driver injuries.  There were no other vehicles involved.   Students were loaded onto a spare bus and brought to school. 

We are very grateful to all who stopped to offer assistance out there this morning and to those who called to check on everyone.

Have a great day! 

Keep in Your Thoughts...

Please keep Tresia Mize and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Her father passed away over the weekend. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Math and Literacy Walkthroughs This Week

Two of our fourth grade teachers allowed colleagues into their classrooms as part of Content-area Walkthroughs this week. Both teachers demonstrated stellar lessons!  Allie Aldrich conducted a Writing Workshop on strong, concluding paragraphs and Jana Walls facilitated Number Talks and a Math Congress.  It was amazing the level of rigor these two lessons involved.  Thanks to both of you for being willing to let others learn from your practices!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Week of January 26th

Week of January 26th

Felts, Fox (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
Kuhn, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Gudgen
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PI)

Monday, January 26
G Day

Lesson Plan Check

2:00 Dismissal

2:30-3:30 p.m.Vertical Teams Transition Meeting @ PP **Select Teachers** 

CAD-all other teachers

Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 27
H Day
4th Grade Assembly

Wednesday, January 28
A Day

3rd Grade Assembly

New Academic Vocabulary

Drama Rehearsal 
Thursday, January 29
B Day

Friday, January 30
C Day
5th Grade Assembly

Friday Freeze

Happy Birthday:
13th- Danielle Boggis
26th- Ryan Minisman

Reminder-Bus Duty Starts at 7:20 a.m. each morning. Please report to your location on time (inclusive of amphitheatre) 

PTO-Thank you!

Thank you to our PTO for providing financial grants for teachers to purchase material, supplies and/or technology for their classroom to use with students. We are so thankful and grateful for such a wonderful PTO!!

*Some of the technology purchased...Chromebooks and Ipads*

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Club Day

We kicked off our second semester of Club Day today and students had fun while learning! Here's a sneak peak and PI's Club Day!!