Tuesday, September 29, 2015

5th Grade Assembly

Assembly Speakers:

Leader of Technology for the assembly:

Safety Patrol First Trimester:

Students of the Month:

Leaders of the Month:

Lice Patrol Information

Lice Patrol Information

Attendance Awareness Month!!!

Students who achieved perfect attendance for the month of September are invited to a popsicle party outside by the basketball goals/new playground on Thursday, October 1st at the following times:

8:40 – Purple Hall
9:00 – Red Hall
9:20 – Yellow Hall
9:40 – Blue Hall
10:00 – Green Hall
10:20 – Orange Hall

I will print a list this afternoon of all students who are invited to this party since I will not be here tomorrow.  If a student on the list is absent tomorrow, checks in, or checks out, please mark their name off the list.  If you have a student who says they have been here all month but is not on the list, send the student to the office and Kim or Danna will check on it for them.  Please remind students that perfect attendance means a student was at school on time with no check-ins or check-outs during the entire month of September.

We will not make an all-call so please write your time on the board, set a timer on your phone, or put a student in charge of it for you.

Lauren Blake
Paine Intermediate School
4th & 5th Grade Counselor
(205) 228-3387

Parent Involvement Month Activities

Hi PES (3-5) Parents:

October is Parent Visitation Month and we have a variety of activities planned for our families. Please follow and schedule and attend as you are able to!

Activity 1

  • PTO Meeting- Paine Elementary (3-5) Campus-Amphitheater
    • 5th- 10:00 a.m.

Activity 2

·         Bring a Parent to Lunch Week (October 13-20)!!
o   13th- Red Hall              (10:50-11:05)
o   14th- Purple Hall          (11:10-11:25)
o   15th- Orange Hall        (12:15-12:20)
o   16th- Green Hall          (12:25-12:40)
o   19th- Blue Hall             (11:40-11:50)
o   20th- Yellow Hall          (11:55-12:10)

*See your child’s teacher for their specific lunch time.

**We know that parking is a concern here so we’ve assigned days for each hall. During these days, we ask that parents eat lunch on their child’s assigned date only. We expect a large number of parents and would really like to be able to accommodate everyone! Parents are asked to RSVP with their information via the Google Doc link that will be provided.

Activity 3

  • Spooky Family Check out (Library Event)
    • 22nd- 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Activity 4

  • Leadership Assemblies
Select students for the month of October will be recognized (8:30 a.m.).

    • 28th- 3rd grade
    • 29th- 4th grade
    • 30th- 5th grade

Additional classroom activities will be scheduled by individual teachers (i.e. guest speakers). Check with your teacher for any other opportunities!

We look forward to seeing you all during Parent Visitation Month!

Friday, September 25, 2015


Congratulations to Mrs. Lauren Long!!

She has been recognized and appointed to the Young Professionals Board of Directors at Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve! This is really exciting news and a great representation from Paine and Trussville City Schools!!

Congrats Lauren 

Week of...

Week of September 28th 




Outside Car Line

Bus Line

Blain / Gudgen

Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Christopher

Parking Lot (PM)

Monday, September 28
H Day

Lesson Plans Checked

5th Grade Assembly

Lunch with Leaders! (5 Deep Roster Activity)

2:00 p.m. Dismissal/CAD

United Way Campaign

Tuesday, September 29
A Day

Budget Committee Meeting @ 3:30 p.m.

United Way

Wednesday, September 30

Club Day

Fall Pictures Make-Up Day

United Way

Thursday, October 1
B Day

United Way

Friday, October 2
C Day

Last Day for 5 Deep Roster Activity

Veteran's Day Committee Meeting

United Way Campaign Ends

Happy Birthday:  
29th- R. Darnell
29th- M. Murrell

1st- A. Tippen
3rd- K. Hendrick

3rd Grade Leadership Assembly (September)

Today we recognized our 3rd grade Students and Leaders of the Month; as well as our Assembly Leaders!!

Assembly and Technology Leaders

Student of the Month

Leader of the Month

Thursday, September 24, 2015

4th Grade Leadership Assembly (September)

Today we recognized our 4th grade Students and Leaders of the Month; as well as our Assembly Leaders!!

Assembly Leaders

Leaders of the Month

Students of the Month

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Acts of Kindness

This week, Mrs. Jackie Moore's Fifth Grade Class shows an "Act of Kindness" by writing thank you cards and notes to our veterans. The students are sending their notes and cards to the veterans at The Veteran's Nursing Home in Pell City.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Greater Birmingham Math Partnership with Paine Elementary (3-5) Studio Day

The Greater Birmingham Math Partnerhsip paired with our teachers, Mrs. Lothspiech, Mrs. Walls and Mrs. Bruno to plan professional development for all of our Math teachers in the format of Studio Day. This was an onsite, job-embedded professional development day where all math teachers came together for a full day of vertical grade level training. 

The objectives for the day were to provide opportunities to recognize and enhance cognitive demand of tasks and lessons and integrate that knowledge into our teaching practice; and to enact Studio Day in Lesson Study Format.

The studio purposes were to:

1.  Bring the Standards for Mathematical Practice to life (real-time).
2. Increase accountability and level/quality of implementation.
3. Develop shared images and understandings.
4. Deepen teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching.
5. Foster new norms and habits of practice.
6. De-privatize practice to build professional community and increase all students achievement.

It was a wonderful day of learning for all of our teachers; and we are so thankful for Mrs. Walls being extrememly comfortable 24+ people coming in at one time to observe her teaching!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Farm School

Our GaTE students made it to Farm School at Camp McDowell. 

EDUCATEAlabama Issues

Email I received from the State Department/Supercomputer regarding the EDUCATEAlabama portal (see below):


There are still issues today. The State Department of Education is currently looking into the issue. I am not sure what the issue even is at this time.



Managed by the Alabama Supercomputer Authority

  * Internet & Technology for Education

Therefore, I will pass the indicator, indicator number and information for that indicator as soon as the website is back working.

Thank you,

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week of...

Week of September 21st




Outside Car Line

Bus Line

Blain / Gudgen

Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Christopher

Parking Lot (PM)

Monday, September 21
C Day

Greater Birmingham Math Partnership Professional Development

GaTE Farm School


2:00 p.m. Dismissal/CAD/New Teacher Meeting

United Way Campaign Begins

Progress Reports Issued

Tuesday, September 22
D Day

GaTE Farm School

Book Fair/Book Fair Family Night!!!

Wednesday, September 23
E Day

GaTE Farm School

Book Fair!!!

Educator Effectiveness Professional Development
Thursday, September 24
F Day
4th Grade Assembly

Book Fair/Book Fair Family Night!!!

RtI Meetings

Friday, September 25
G Day

3rd Grade Assembly

Happy Birthday:  
21st- L. Phillips
29th- R. Darnell
29th- M. Murrell

Saturday, September 19, 2015

One Key to Success No Matter Your Age!

The deck was certainly stacked against him. He grew up in dire poverty, raised by a single mom in Detroit, Michigan. Success wasn’t even on the radar.

I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Carson a few years ago. And he told me one thing turned it all around for him: reading. What follows is not an endorsement of his candidacy, but it is a chance to talk about something transformative that can affect anyone who follows Carson’s example. How did he do it?

Click here to find the answer:


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Club Day

Club Day was a huge success on yesterday!! Thank you to our Counselor Mrs. Blake for organizing the day and ensuring that all students had the opportunity to experience clubs! Club Day typically takes place twice a month (depending on the schedule). 

Teachers were engaged in professional development while students were away at clubs. The professional development focus yesterday was on student data.

Students Enjoying Club Day!!!

Teachers engaged in our annual data meeting!