Friday, May 13, 2016

Week of May 16-20

May 16-20, 2016

Outside Car Line
Bus Line
F. Smith

Ticket To Read
 Lothspeich, Walls, Christopher, P. Smith
Parking Lot (PM)

Monday, May 16
F Day
Best Memories at Paine Readings Begin

2:00 pm Dismissal

Room Assignments for Class Rolls Meetings
Tuesday, May 17
G day
4th grade class parties
 Wednesday, May 18
Club Day
Club Day

Grades Due

Wear Paine Commemorative Shirt

Faculty Ice Cream Treat Day!
 Thursday, May 19
H day
Leadership/Awards Assemblies
4th grade-8:30 a.m.
3rd grade-10:00 a.m.
5th grade-1:00 p.m.
 Friday, May 20
A day
5th Grade Extravaganza

3rd grade class parties

Character Trait: Citizenship-Citizens have a moral obligation to do their share to honor and preserve civic traditions.

Announcements for the Week:


The week of May 23rd, let’s make that School Spirit Week!! Each day of that short week, let’s wear something Paine related as we wrap up the year!! Encourage your students to wear Paine gear and/or colors.

Best Memories at Paine:
Thank you for submitting your student’s Best Memory at Paine Intermediate writings. I will begin looking through those today to select students for Monday. Each afternoon I’ll let you know what students will read their writings the next day!

Data Meeting:
Kelly & Lisa will reach out to the teachers within their content area regarding our end-of-the-year data meeting.

Boxes Update:
All unused boxes will be used again/recycled. Please don’t rip or ruin boxes if at all possible. Once used, a designated location will be named in order for boxes to be reissued. All unused/not needed boxes are to be returned to Joy Hobbs. The system will receive financial credit for extra boxes that aren’t needed.

Faculty Attire:
This last upcoming week and two days with students, you are welcome to wear jeans if you’d like. On Wednesday, May 18th & Tuesday, May 24th let’s all wear the commemorative Paine shirts. Those will be placed in your box on Monday!

Once My Room is Packed Up, Then What…
All items that are packed, labeled, and ready to be moved should be placed in the middle of your classroom together (it wouldn’t hurt to turn your boxes all the same way with your label; but that’s not required). Custodians will get started with their cleaning of rooms once all of that is situated for the move. This summer they’ll be able to clean in places they normally couldn’t get to in your rooms!

Assemblies Update:
It is VERY important to make sure that you’ve shared with all parents who need to know about the upcoming end-of-the-year awards assemblies. With this being the last set of leadership assemblies, we really don’t want to leave anyone out. Again, please triple check your various lists and get in contact with those parents that need to know! Hopefully you’ve sent home your millionaire letters.

As I’ve been reminding students on the intercom about their behavior, I want to remind you all about good classroom management. PLEASE keep a close watch on what our students are doing. The more unstructured things are, the greater the possibility of behavior issues. If you’d like to maintain a peaceful end of the year, I strongly suggest maintaining your classroom management plan!

Last Day for Students, Last Day for Teachers:
May 24, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. is the last day for students
May 25, 2016 is the last day for teachers
*not before these dates.

Flex Days:
Whooooo, I think we are finally moving along with Flex Day Form A. I’ve copied the email Mrs. Bruno sent us all on Friday, April 29th regarding Flex Days.

Please carefully read the following information pertaining to flexible professional development days.

For the 2016-2017 school year, August 16th and 17th will be deemed as flex days.  To earn the credit for the two flex days, you must complete 12 hours of professional development outside of the school day.  Flex days are designated for professional development.  However, you are given flexibility regarding the professional development.  

To access all forms and information about flex days, go to
  • Click on “Staff” at the top of the page. 
  • You will see the Flex Day Catalogue under Staff Resources. Click on the words, “Flex Day Catalogue.”
  • Click on the tabs at the top of the page (Home, PD Opportunities, FAQs, and Registration Information) to access forms and to see the PD opportunities listed.
  • Check the Flex Day Live Binder often over the next few weeks as it will evolve as more opportunities are added.

As a part of the Trussville City Schools professional learning program, you may write proposals to lead professional development sessions.  To earn professional development flex hour credit, you may participate in Professional Learning Communities, grade level/department teams, or book studies, outside the school day.  You must present your idea to your principal to ensure that it follows the philosophy of the system-wide instructional program.  If the project is approved, you or one person from the proposal team must complete:

  • a project application (see Registration Information tab in Flex Day LiveBinder),
  • sign in sheet, and
  • summary form (see Registration Information tab in Flex Day LiveBinder) to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.  

Teachers who lead professional development may count the sessions they lead toward their flex hours.  Requests to use flex hours for professional development outside of the Trussville City Schools system must be pre-approved by submitting a form to your principal.  Funding is not guaranteed for professional development outside of Trussville City Schools.
  • Everyone must register in STI PD or complete the pre-approval process for PD not on the approved list before leaving for the summer.
  • Remember, all Flex PD not on the approved list must be approved by your school principal.
  • If attending a session outside of TCS, you must submit a project application prior to attending the training, and an agenda and certificate of attendance to Curriculum and Instruction upon completion.
  • If you have any questions, email Beth Bruno.
  • On August 18th, request professional development days for August 16th & 17th in the time system.  (Please do not request these days before August 18th.)

Class Parties:
A great way to wrap up the year by celebrating all of the great things that took place in your class. A couple of reminders: no more than two parents to assist (traffic can become a problem), make sure that you aren’t planning on having a party in a spot that is taken, double check and make sure that your party area is clean once everything is over!

End-of-the-Year Faculty and Staff Event:
Our faculty celebration will be Tuesday, May 24th at 12:45 in the Library. More information to come about food!

I believe I’ve covered it all! See me if you have questions

Have a fabulous & safe weekend!!

Happy Birthday:
19th- Dee Dee Brasher

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