Monday, May 2, 2016

Week of May 2nd

May 2-6, 2016

J. Moore
Outside Car Line
Bus Line

Ticket To Read
 Lothspeich, Walls, Christopher, P. Smith
Parking Lot (PM)

Monday, May 2
D Day
TESTING (see schedule)

CAD/Other Meetings/2:00 pm Dismissal

Science PD for 16-17 Paine Teachers
Tuesday, May 3
E day
TESTING (see schedule)
 Wednesday, May 4
F day
TESTING (see schedule)

5th Grade Fieldtrip to HTMS
 Thursday, May 5
G day
TESTING (see schedule/make-up)
 Friday, May 6
H day

Character Trait: Citizenship-Citizens have a moral obligation to do their share to honor and preserve civic traditions.

Announcements for the Week:

Testing: April 25-May 5, 2016

As we start this final month of the 2015-2016 school year, let’s keep our “eyes on the prize,” which are our students! Continue to teach your standards, keep them engaged, and maintain STRONG classroom management. We have several events and/or activities this month and management of your class will be vital. Remember to communicate with your parents regarding events and matters pertaining to the end of the school year. Don’t forget about your lesson plans, weekly newsletters and just maintaining academic best practices as we move toward the end. School isn’t out just yet and there’s lots of learning to go!!

I sent an email a week or so ago to offer some encouragement and to give a word of thanks and this week is your week to celebrate your hard work and daily efforts to enhance the lives of the children we serve! So, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! You all are truly the best!!

Have a fabulous & safe weekend!!

Happy Birthday:

5th- Maddie Long
19th- Dee Dee Brasher

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