Thursday, February 26, 2015

Family News

See the update below from 3rd grade teacher, Dawn Childs.  Her daughter, Kaley, is undergoing her 2nd round of Chemotherapy in North Carolina where she lives with her husband.

Kaley is doing well.  She is working hard to remain positive and healthy.  She has been keeping her routine normal.  Her oncologist and medical team are all very pleased with her progress.  Her affective nodes have reduced by about ½ their pretreatment size.  She will have one more round of chemotherapy and then have a PET scan to determine how many more treatments she will receive. 

Thank you for your generous gift cards.  We were able to use them toward purchasing knife set from Sur La Table for her to use cooking.  She is a phenomenally healthy chef. 

Thank you for your love and prayers!  I am very thankful to be surrounded by such a wonderful group!

Jump Rope for Heart Cancelation


Many of you have asked about the Jump Rope for Heart Parent Day that was tentative for today and tomorrow.   We did not send out a parent letter due to the weather that was headed our way this week.   If we are able to reschedule we will let you know. 

Thanks for your understanding.

Ronda Chrisenberry
Paine Intermediate
Physical Education


PTO Survey Request

In an effort for our PTO to gain feedback from all about next years fundraisers, we are asking parents to complete the brief survey embedded within the link below. The PTO will discuss the results of the survey at the next meeting!

Thank you so much for your participation and support.

PTO Fundraiser Survey

Weather Survey

Please complete this short survey about your availability during a weather crisis.  We talked about this briefly at the Faculty Meeting on Monday.

Courtyard-Thursday & Friday


Mrs. Prosser will not be at school on Thursday or Friday.  Please let your students know that they are to remain in the lunchroom with you.  Remind students about controlling their noise level while in the lunchroom.  Please sit where you can keep an eye on your students.

Thank you for your help!
Kristi Stacks, NBCT/Ed.S

Assistant Principal

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Family News

Please keep Lisa Lothspeich, her husband Michael and family in your prayers. Her father-in-law passed away this evening. Her husband just recently traveled back home to be with his dad and Lisa will join them soon. Once arrangements have been made, she will let us all know. 

PI visits PP

Students from Jackie Moore's class engaged in their vertical team teacher visit by reading to Mrs. Shannon's kindergarten students this week.  Each student from Mrs. Moore's homeroom chose their favorite picture book to read to the kindergarten students.  Mrs. Shannon and Mrs. Moore enjoyed observing the interaction between the two classes. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

No School Tomorrow (2-25-15). No eLearning Day.

Trussville City Schools will be closed Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 due to possible Winter Weather. 

Governor Bentley has declared a State of Emergency so Wednesday WILL NOT be an eLearning day.

Thank you,

Canceled-Grade Level Assemblies


Grade level assemblies have been canceled for this week due to our short schedules as a result of winter weather.

Your child's teacher will communicate with you regarding the rescheduled dates.

Thank you for understanding! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

PI Visits PP

Callie Ward
My thoughts after visiting the PP art room on Feb. 12th:

Jenni and I have been friends for a long time so this wasn’t the first opportunity that I’ve had to see her teach.  I’ve always admired her creativity when planning projects and this time was no different.  She’s amazing!  The 2nd grade class that I observed was working on cardboard portraits.  On this particular day the kids were embellishing their portraits with buttons, doll hair, ribbon, etc.  This was the 3rd day for them to work on their project- during the previous two art classes the kids cut, glued, and painted their cardboard faces.  Like any art teacher has to be, Jenni was really organized.  The supplies were out and ready for the kids to access.  I missed the first 5 minutes of her lesson but I’m sure it was spent directing the kids on their goals for the day because when they started working they knew exactly what to do. She spent the entire time that I was there cutting more yarn and ribbon, helping students and verbally reviewing directions for the whole class.  They only have art for 35 minutes but what they were able to do in a short time was great. I’m amazed that they were able to cut the cardboard on their own.

Family News!

Jackie Moore and her husband were asked to come to Laura Beth’s (their daughter) house Friday evening for a surprise! They found out that they are going to be grandparents again!  

Ella Grace (granddaughter) read them a book about being a big sister and gave them an ultrasound picture of the baby. The due date is September 1st.  They are thrilled to have another grandchild in their lives and so excited to share the news with the PI family! 

Congratulations Jackie!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2 hour delay on 2-23-15

Trussville City Schools will open 2 hours late on Monday, Feb. 23 due to possible winter weather.

Buses will also run on a 2 hour delay.

If you have morning duty, you should report to work by 9:20 a.m. to take your post. All others should report two hours later than our normal hours. Also, we will run on the 2 hour delayed specials schedule that I emailed out on last week. We will operate on our normal lunch schedule. 

If you have any questions please email or text Kristi and I. 

Thank you,


PI Teachers to Present at NCTM Conference

Congratulations to 4th grade teacher, Jana Walls, and Math Coach, Lisa Lothspeich!!  Together they wrote a proposal to present "Developing Multiplication Fact Fluency in the 21st Century" at the regional conference for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).  Their proposal was accepted and these two will represent Paine Intermediate in Nashville this November!  Way to go!!

A Big Thank You!!

I just wanted to send a huge thank you to everyone on our faculty and staff who stayed the course on Friday!!  It was an unusual day for sure!  But you all pulled together and did what was best for our students!  I thank you wholeheartedly for that!

The first person I would like to thank by name is third-grade teacher, Anne Owens.  Before 8:00 Friday morning, Anne’s team teacher, Karen Ekonen, who is pregnant and due any day, called with an Ocular Migraine that pretty much left her incapacitated.  Subs were few and far between, and our aides were already spread out covering other areas for us.  Anne volunteered to keep both classes.  She went on teaching with a smile and a good attitude!  Thank you, Anne!

Our office staff (who were down to two people – Danna and Kim), with help from Lisa Lothspeich and Lauren Blake, checked out one hundred students or more in the span of a few hours.  Their smiles and great attitudes calmed parents and kept the process rolling.  After school, they helped supervise students and call parents of bus riders who had to remain at school.  In fact, these 4 ladies were among the last to leave on Friday, clocking out about 4:30 or so!!  I am forever grateful to the four of you!

I know that when a weather crisis emerges, we all have family members that we are concerned about.  However, a few of our staff members pulled together to supervise students in the amphitheater whose buses could not drive into Carrington.  They also walked siblings to the Primary school if that need arose.  A big thank you to Ellen Dover, Kimberly Felts, Kimberly Hendrick, Tamra Higginbotham, Jamye Waites, Sara Wessel and Missy Wright.  You were amazing under pressure!
Nurse Mize stayed after school to assist should any medical needs arise and Officer Bradford stayed to maintain security.  He kept our parking lot clear so that vehicles and buses could get through.  He was getting reports throughout the day from patrol units about road conditions!  I appreciate the skills of both of these people!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

PI Counselor visits PP

Mrs. Blake visited a Primary counseling session. Here's what Lauren shared regarding her visit:

 I observed Rachel Cox, Kindergarten and 1st grade counselor, teach a lesson to a kindergarten class on Thursday, January 22.  As a counselor to older students, I really enjoyed watching her teach a group of kindergarteners!  I was able to observe the wonderful classroom management techniques she used with this younger group of children as well as how she simplified the concept of diversity so that the primary students could really understand it!

During the month of January, I was teaching a lesson to 5th graders on self-concept and individuality.  This was also part of her lesson.  We both referred to our handprints/fingerprints and how no two thumbprints are the same.  It was neat to see how we used this same concept with students who were 5 years apart to illustrate the same concept of diversity and uniqueness.

I really enjoyed my time spent with Rachel at PP.  I look forward to observing more lessons with younger students.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Visits with Classes at Paine Primary

When we met vertically with our colleagues from Paine Primary in January, one of our requests was that you visit the classroom of the teacher that had the same colored dot on his/her nametag as you did.  Several members of Paine Intermediate have made the trek across the courtyard to either observe the colleague they met during our vertical teaming, or to do a joint learning activity between classrooms.  Below are pictures of Lynette Summers' 5th grade class.  They read nonfiction books about raptors to Mrs. Shorter's kindergarten class. While the 5th graders read, the kindergartners had a graphic organizer to complete.  

Monday, February 16, 2015

Family News

Please keep third grade teacher, Joy Wright, and her daughter, Katie, in your prayers.  Katie's son, Will Garrison Caldwell, will have surgery on a badly broken thumb.  

Learning Targets Posted With Work in the Halls

These Learning Targets were posted in the hall by math work that Mary Elaine Williamson's third-grade students produced.  Visitors, as well as other students and teachers walking by, know exactly what students were learning from the lesson.

"When shared meaningfully, they (learning targets) become actual targets that students can see and direct their efforts toward. They also serve as targets for the adults in the school whose responsibility it is to plan, monitor, assess, and improve the quality of learning opportunities to raise the achievement of all students" (Moss & Brookhart, 2012).

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Family News Update

Dr. Jeter's grandfather is awake and alert.  He shows signs of flu and pneumonia so he will remain in the hospital overnight for observation.

Family News

Please keep Dr. Jeter and her family in your prayers.  Her grandfather, who raised her, was just rushed to the hospital.  He is unconscious.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Inclement Weather-eLearning


As you all are aware, the local meteorologists are forecasting possible snow, ice, rain/sleet in the coming week. In the event that school is delayed, released early, or we aren't in session at all, we wanted you all to know and have the procedures for completing academic eLearning assignments while at home. Many, if not all, of your children have completed one eLearning assignment earlier in the year around December or January; the procedures are still the same. If your child has completed that assignment, then they can "bank" that particular activity as a completed eLearning (inclement weather day) assignment, and simply complete the others based on the number of days we are out of school (see directions below).

I have listed the directions and a graphic of our eLearning tasks (it's the exact information from the PI webpage). The "live" directions and links can be found on the Paine Intermediate webpage (, select schools, then Paine Intermediate. Once on our page, on the left side under resources you will find eLearning. Upon clicking that link you will see all directions, procedures and assignments for each grade level. Teachers have the eLearning tasks listed within their individual webpages as well. 

Remember that the links below are a copy, but the actual live links can be found on the website. 

Weather Day/eLearning Assignment Completion:

*To open files, you will need to download the Google Chrome browser to your computer. Click here to download.

Students should complete two content area assignments for their grade level, and select one special area assignment to complete. For example, if you are in the 4th grade, choose two of the assignments from Math, Science, Social Studies and/or Reading within the 4th grade column, plus one special area assignment (art, library, or any of the others).

If we are out for more than one day, complete the remaining two subject area assignments from your grade level, and an additional special area assignment. Follow the directions listed for accurate completion of your grade level assignments. If the activity is web-based, click the link listed to be directed to the activity. All necessary usernames and passwords have been provided to your child on a label placed in their agenda books. *Teachers will provide a paper copy of assignments for students without internet access. If this applies to you, please notify your teacher on the day we return to school.

After completion, please list the completed activity for each assignment, and initial on the day(s) missed due to inclement weather in your child's agenda. Then, return the signed agenda to your classroom teacher within 14 calendar days from the missed school day(s). If the assignment is an electronically based activity (with nothing to print and submit), the teacher will be able to monitor completion of the assignment from his or her login, and see this assignment listed in the agenda. If your assignment requires printing at home, and you are unable to print, please turn in a handwritten copy to your teacher.

In the event that we are out of school for multiple days, and you complete all posted assignments, please continue to read an AR book for 30 minutes each day, and complete 30 minutes of Dreambox each day as well.

Feel free to contact your teacher via email, or the TCS technology help desk at 228-3006 if there are any questions!

Food Drive-Thank You!

Thank you for giving non-perishable items as we participated in the Love Your Neighbor food drive!

Book Fair-Final Day

Today is the final day for the Book Fair and our second Donuts for Dad!! We've had a great turnout so far and you still have time to swing by. Donuts for Dad will end at 11:00 a.m. today. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week of February 16th

Week of February 16th 

M. Wright
Murrell, Fox (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
McLaughlin, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
J. Moore
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Gudgen
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PP)

Monday, February 16
E Day

No School

Tuesday, February 17
F Day
New Teacher Meeting

Wednesday, February 18
Club Day

Sports Club Field trip

Drama Rehearsal 

Thursday, February 19
G Day
Report Cards Issued

Friday, February 20
H Day

Happy Birthday:

School Visit Today

District Office Administrators, Principals, and Teachers from the Blount County School District visited Paine Intermediate today. The Blount County team observed classrooms in all grade levels, followed by a debriefing session with teachers, academic coaches and administrators. The primary focus of the observations today was to gain a sound foundation for how our teachers teach the Literacy standards. The school visit was a success and we enjoyed hosting our guests! 


TAC-February 2015

In many of the questions, editorial comments are removed for brevity and sensitivity and only the actual question(s) are printed for publication.

Faculty and Staff, if you have any questions regarding matters that relate to a specific person, please see the Principal.

1A.  What is the justification for paying a stipend to a teacher for MAGPI?   

MAGPI is ongoing academic support that occurs almost every morning throughout the year.  It involves multiple students receiving additional support based on their deficits.  The teachers work directly with students during this time and plan work for any aides who work with the students.   The supplements that MAGPI teachers receive are in line with other supplements in the district.  Non-athletic supplements range from $14, 319 for band supplements to $1000 for lead technology teachers.  Various supplements are given for sponsoring scholars bowl, technical theatre, math support at all levels, science support at the secondary level, etc. 

This is a commitment to provide tutoring for these children throughout the school year.  Results have shown the students who receive this additional assistance grow dramatically.  These efforts are aligned to doing what is best for our students.  It would be inaccurate to link this to an hourly rate because additional time is spent outside of the communicated MAGPI hours.  Teachers who provide this service are unable to spend the time from 7:45 to 8:00 am getting ready for the day, so they must do this at another time; therefore, it is not considered “double pay” for that 15 minutes each day.  It is communicated that MAGPI begins at 7:30; however, the reality is that many students arrive prior to that time, so we begin providing this help earlier.  There is additional work that goes on outside of the 7:20 – 8:00 daily window.  The MAGPI teachers spend their own time interacting with teachers, and even parents, of the students in MAGPI, either determining what the student needs or providing feedback.  The MAGPI teacher will also spend their own time determining the work to be provided and checking the daily work as a formative assessment.   The rate for providing these services for the year is in line with other stipends or extra-curricular pay provided in our district.  If other teachers are qualified to provide this service, are willing to commit to all of the duties outlined above, and be held accountable for the growth of these students, we will be happy to put you on the list to be considered in the future if one of the slots becomes available.

1B. Are the MAGPI teachers teaching prepared lessons or do they work with children based on their individual needs?  If so, do they plan for the aides that are also teaching MAGPI classes and making sure that they have all the materials they need?  How was the cost figured?

MAGPI teachers are not receiving supplements that are out of line with the others.  See response to 2A.

1C. Were these positions and salaries being advertised. 

Positions with supplements are not advertised.  The principal has the authority to secure appropriate personnel for those positions.  Naturally, a math teacher would be preferable over another teacher.  Another math teacher was given the opportunity to teach during MAGPI, but was not interested in tutoring every morning before school all year long. 

2. Could more paid positions be put in place to challenge high achieving and average math students?

A paid position would depend on if funding was available to meet outside school hours.  The Math Team meets for higher achieving students-based on Global Scholar scores and teacher recommendations.  Also, 4th and 5th grades have a higher level math class.  We can discuss a Math/Literacy Club to meet possibly during intervention for the upcoming school year.

3A. Who is supposed to write plans for Tier 3 instruction?

Within the Literacy area, Mrs. McGough consults and works with the Tier III interventionist on plans for the students she serves.

Here is what the TCS RtI Handbook says about Tier 3 interventions:

·         Who develops the student’s goal/intervention plan?

The PST.       

·         Who provides Tier III instruction?

The PST will determine who provides Tier III instruction. 

·         When is Tier III instruction provided?

The PST will determine the time of Tier III instruction.  The PST will consider the student’s schedule when determining the time. It is important to note that Tier III instruction will require the student to miss something in the classroom.  Tier III instruction is reserved for the students who need this extra support to meet grade level expectations.  The population of Tier III should be less than 5% of the total school population.

The handbook does not address who provides the plans for instruction.  As we have gone through this process over the past few years, it has been determined that the classroom teacher knows the student weaknesses and is the one most qualified to provide work for their tier 3 students.
We currently have only 19 students out of 992 students receiving Tier 3 intervention which is less than 2% of our total population.

3B. Could you please clarify the job of the Reading Coach and Math Coach? 

This question has been answered at the December 2013 TAC meeting.  Copies are kept at the Board and in a binder in the front office.

4A. Why does the library open at 8:45 when there is a teacher and two aides in there? 

There is an intervention group that meets in the library from 8:15-8:45 each morning.  The library serves 6 classes a day and that is our only planning period for the entire day (both librarian and aides).  The library aides shelve books, catalogue new books, and repair old books during this time.  Intervention isn’t over until 8:45 and there should be no movement of students in the halls.

4B. Why is a child allowed flex time every other day and not daily?

We have 1,000 students in our school, in addition to teaching 6 classes each day, therefore making flex time every day is just not feasible.  Students are encouraged to check out two books and finish both books before coming to flex time.  If students are making good choices with their books (not choosing books that are too easy), and are reading both books before coming to flex time, every other day is practical.

5. Last year equal access to the computer labs was a problem, since math teachers were scheduled for 30 minutes each week for student to work in DreamBox.  This year math teachers have 1 hour each week instead of 30 minutes and literacy teachers have no time to be able to use the computer labs for research, publishing writing pieces, or utilizing AR 360.  Can literacy teachers have some access to the computer labs?  Can one lab be for literacy and one for math?
Lisa and Kelly are aware of this problem and are looking at schedules to adjust them to be more fairly usable.  Kristi is going to review the lab sign up and cart checkout too.  There is a future Chromebook purchase that will ease some of this also.

6. Is there a way for teachers to get some kind of break on Club Days? 

The problem is that we can never begin on time because it takes a full 10-15 minutes before everyone is all in the room.  We will give them 15-20 minutes up front (for a break) and begin "exactly" 15-20 minutes later.

7. The students need 30 minutes of physical activity every day.  On cold and rainy days, the students do not have recess or courtyard time.  Could a “Plan B” be put in place to meet these requirements?

Check into an app for exercise or dance and/or possibly meet with your partner teacher’s class for 15 minutes of physical activity.  Once there is a school split there will be other rooms open for different options.

8. Is there a curriculum committee in place at TCS?  Are resources, math books, etc. a possibility for the near future? 

A textbook committee has been formed and there is a math curriculum committee in development now headed by Beth Bruno.

9. Would it be possible to strategically plan one E-learning day each 9 weeks or trimester to designate as a teacher planning day or a day for parent conferences?

E-learning days are TCS system decisions and the 15-16 school year calendar draft is out now.

10. Can we please consider having CAD on another day of the week next year?

There isn't another day that would work as well as Monday.  Meeting to plan for the week is best at the beginning of the week or the very end of the week.

11. Please clarify CAD ending times on Monday. 

This is a CAD decision.  Please discuss your ending time with your group and come to an agreement on your ending time.  You may also reference the September 2014 TAC minutes.

12. Could blog posts be limited to Monday-Friday (8-5)?  Could all other correspondence be limited to school hours?  (Family new/emergency could be an exception.)

When the Blogs are sent out, it takes 24 hours for them to be delivered to staff.  You can flag your posts with different color flags to read at another time. Blog posts serve as one of many methods of communication for parents and staff.

13. Is it possible for us to go back to quarters instead of trimesters?

We initially changed to trimesters because of the change to standards based report cards.  There are pros and cons, but the trimester gives more time between the progress report and actual report card to make adjustments and help students close the gaps.

When the schools split, report cards would need to be sent out at the same time for each school.   In other words, each school would not want to send a report card to K-2 students at the end of each trimester, and to grades 3-5 students at the end of each quarter.  That conversation can begin with the primary teachers, but I am certain they will not want to complete their comprehensive standards- based report cards every nine weeks. 

14. Will we continue to report standards on the report card?

We will engage in conversation regarding what is best for children (and their parents) as it relates to reporting standards on report cards for the 2015-2016 school year.

Non-Fiction Focus

Students in Mrs. J. Waites class log their non-fiction reading on a February themed reading log! Students individually chart the books they've read! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Rescheduled Meeting-Parent Math Academy

Dear Parents,

Please mark your calendars.  Our next Parent Math Academy will be held on Tuesday, February 24th, (instead of February 17th).  There will be a morning session from 9:00-10:00 and an evening session from 5:00-6:00.  An invitation will be emailed out next week.

We hope to see you there!
Lisa Lothspeich

Math Instructional Coach

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Prayer Request

PI Family:

Please keep Debbie Meacham and her family in your prayers. Her father passed away this morning. 

The Reading Cow Moves!!

Ms. Box's 4th grade class was so excited to receive the reading cow. It "moooved" to their room on yesterday! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Faculty Presentation

Teachers within the Special Education Department gave an overview of important information to know as it relates to Special Education. Faculty members were very engaged and focused as the teachers presented information on accommodations, modification, interventions, autism, court cases, confidentiality, social media, etc. Everyone in attendance learned a wealth of new knowledge today! 

Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Up

Below you will find a link for parents to sign up and volunteer to work the Scholastic Book Fair this week. We are asking for volunteers to assist with everything, especially on those "special" days (i.e. Donuts for Dads & Family Night). Last year was our first year to do Donuts for Dad and it was a huge success! 

Thank you in advance for helping us. 

Karen Campbell, PTO

Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Up

Family/Faculty News

A few celebrations, congratulations and prayer requests. 

Sherry Williams’ daughter Adrienne is engaged to her boyfriend of several years, Todd Griffith. They are planning a country wedding at their house next fall, probably on November 7.

Kim Lewis will be returning home to Brandon, MS at the end of this school year. Her husband has accepted a job in Mississippi and started working about a month ago. Her parents will be relocating from Florida back to Mississippi also. Congratulations to the Lewis family! 

Debbie Meacham's father has been readmitted to the hospital after the third stroke. Surgery is no longer an option as both arteries are now 100% blocked. He will be staying, indefinitely, in Cullman Medical Center under Hospice care. Debbie's mother is able to stay there with him. Prayers are appreciated. 

Box Top Deadline

The message below serves as a reminder regarding Box Top submissions this week. Please remind your parents that they are due! 

Thank you, 


"The deadline for students to submit their Box Tops to their teacher/room mom is Wednesday, February 11th.  That will give the moms plenty of time to check for expiration dates, trim, and bag their room's Box Tops and turn them in to me on Tuesday, February 17th by NOON.

As you know, we had a fabulous Fall turn in and anticipate great numbers in the Spring, too!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Cissie Harrington, Box Tops Coordinator"

Reminder-Class Pictures

Class Pictures are tomorrow, Tuesday,  February 10, 2015.

Thank you!

Family News

Please remember one of our fourth grade teachers, Jana Walls.  Her husband, Kent's 92 year-old grandmother, who lived in West Virginia, passed away over the weekend. Her health had been declining the past few months, so unfortunately, Kent and Jana were anticipating this news. 

However, as Kent and Jana were preparing to leave for West Virginia, their sister-in-law called to say that her water broke.  Kent and Jana are still in the Birmingham area at a local hospital!  

The funeral has been postponed until after the baby's arrival!