Monday, February 23, 2015

PI Visits PP

Callie Ward
My thoughts after visiting the PP art room on Feb. 12th:

Jenni and I have been friends for a long time so this wasn’t the first opportunity that I’ve had to see her teach.  I’ve always admired her creativity when planning projects and this time was no different.  She’s amazing!  The 2nd grade class that I observed was working on cardboard portraits.  On this particular day the kids were embellishing their portraits with buttons, doll hair, ribbon, etc.  This was the 3rd day for them to work on their project- during the previous two art classes the kids cut, glued, and painted their cardboard faces.  Like any art teacher has to be, Jenni was really organized.  The supplies were out and ready for the kids to access.  I missed the first 5 minutes of her lesson but I’m sure it was spent directing the kids on their goals for the day because when they started working they knew exactly what to do. She spent the entire time that I was there cutting more yarn and ribbon, helping students and verbally reviewing directions for the whole class.  They only have art for 35 minutes but what they were able to do in a short time was great. I’m amazed that they were able to cut the cardboard on their own.

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