Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Big Thank You!!

I just wanted to send a huge thank you to everyone on our faculty and staff who stayed the course on Friday!!  It was an unusual day for sure!  But you all pulled together and did what was best for our students!  I thank you wholeheartedly for that!

The first person I would like to thank by name is third-grade teacher, Anne Owens.  Before 8:00 Friday morning, Anne’s team teacher, Karen Ekonen, who is pregnant and due any day, called with an Ocular Migraine that pretty much left her incapacitated.  Subs were few and far between, and our aides were already spread out covering other areas for us.  Anne volunteered to keep both classes.  She went on teaching with a smile and a good attitude!  Thank you, Anne!

Our office staff (who were down to two people – Danna and Kim), with help from Lisa Lothspeich and Lauren Blake, checked out one hundred students or more in the span of a few hours.  Their smiles and great attitudes calmed parents and kept the process rolling.  After school, they helped supervise students and call parents of bus riders who had to remain at school.  In fact, these 4 ladies were among the last to leave on Friday, clocking out about 4:30 or so!!  I am forever grateful to the four of you!

I know that when a weather crisis emerges, we all have family members that we are concerned about.  However, a few of our staff members pulled together to supervise students in the amphitheater whose buses could not drive into Carrington.  They also walked siblings to the Primary school if that need arose.  A big thank you to Ellen Dover, Kimberly Felts, Kimberly Hendrick, Tamra Higginbotham, Jamye Waites, Sara Wessel and Missy Wright.  You were amazing under pressure!
Nurse Mize stayed after school to assist should any medical needs arise and Officer Bradford stayed to maintain security.  He kept our parking lot clear so that vehicles and buses could get through.  He was getting reports throughout the day from patrol units about road conditions!  I appreciate the skills of both of these people!!

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