Friday, March 27, 2015

Parent Math Academy, Classroom Visits & Boosterthon Pep Rally

Thank you to all of our parents that have been able to attend our monthly Parent Math Academy! It's been such a success this year and we have one more session to go in May. Lot's of learning here at PI...even for the parents!!

Teachers and students have been working hard this week! They are geared up academically and eager to show off all they've learned to those who visit their rooms. Classroom walkthroughs are always a joy! 

We KICKED off the Boosterthon Countdown with a student pep rally on Wednesday! Students were motivated about the event, met the Boosterthon team, and were introduced to those character traits!!

Living Wax Museum

5th Grade Living Wax Museum of Civil War Figures

5th grade students studied and researched various individuals from the Civil War and their role within the war (and time period). Parents, teachers and classes visited the Living Wax Museum all week! 

Boosterthon Reminder

We are excited to kick-off our annual Boosterthon Fun Run!!!! There are numerous learning opportunities that our friends will engage in, as well as the fun they will have at the end while raising money for our school (to purchase more Chromebooks)!! 

Event: Boosterthon Fun Run
Theme: Rock'n Town Live
Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 @ 9:00 a.m. (Faith Community Fellowship)

Students will be learning five ways to make their community rock with Boosterthon’s character theme Rock’n Town Live, a music festival theme all about community. Along the way, students will gather pledges for how many laps they’ll run at the Boosterthon Fun Run event, which is on Friday, April 10, 2015 @ Faith Community Fellowship.

Run Times:
5th Grade- 9:00 a.m.
4th Grade & Ms. Lyle’s class- 10:30 a.m.
3rd Grade- 1:00 p.m.

Parents should sign the field trip permission form in order for their child to walk over to Faith Community Fellowship. 

Your family is invited to come out and cheer on your student! Please help our school by connecting your student with sponsors. 

Thank you for your support! See the pictures...our school is ready for the Rock'n Town Live Fun Run!

Spring Break!!!

At 3:15 p.m. today....

Spring Break Begins!!!!

Hang in there and make today the BEST academic day ever!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

PI Math Coach to Present at State Conference

Congratulations to Paine Intermediate’s Math Coach, Lisa Lothspeich!  Lisa was invited to present at the Alabama State
Department of Education’s 2015 MEGA Conference this summer in Mobile with Terrance Ingram from Scantron.
In Lisa’s session, participants will learn how Paine Intermediate School uses Achievement Series (AS) and Performance Series (PS) data to drive mathematics instruction. During her time in Mobile, Lisa has been invited to participate in a focus group about Global Scholar with Scantron Executives.  We are so proud of Lisa and her representation of our school and the Trussville City Schools district!

5th Grade Field Trip to Birmingham Botanical Gardens:

5th Grade students participated in a working field trip to fulfill several of the Language and Science standards from the College and Career Ready Standards set forth by our state.  Students louped and sketched various plant life. After analyzing their sketches of various plant life, they utilized their drawings to write poetry and stories to represent their findings.

James Spann Visits PI

One of the skills that a third grader must grasp is identifying conditions that result in specific weather phenomena, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes.  This includes identifying cloud types associated with specific weather patterns; identifying positive and negative effects of weather phenomena; identifying technology used to record and predict weather; explaining symbols shown on a weather map; and organizing weather data into tables or charts.  James Spann from ABC 33/40 shared his expertise about weather with 3rd graders at Paine Intermediate.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Week of...

Week of April 6, 2015  

M. Long
Field, Fox (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
Kuhn, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Gudgen
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PP)

Monday, April 6
C Day

Lesson Plans Checked

2:00 p.m. Dismissal

Advanced-Ed Faculty Meeting and Test Training 2:00-library

B'ham Reads Book Drive Kicks Off

Tuesday, April 7
D Day
3rd grade assembly

4th grade field trip
Wednesday, April 8
E Day

Thursday, April 9
F Day
4th grade assembly

Friday, April 10
No Letter Day

Boosterthon Fun Run!!!

Happy Birthday:
7th- Monica Bramlett
8th- Danna Woodard
9th- Sara Wessel

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Welcome to the Team!!

Welcome Mrs. Tara Brinkley to the PI family for the remainder of the year!! She will be working with one of our 3rd grade students. When you see her around (she has been with us for about a week already), please welcome her to our team!

Summer Professional Development Proposal Link

Below is the link to submit summer professional development proposals.

Thank you, 

Summer P.D. Proposal Link

Monday, March 23, 2015

Boosterthon Schedule



Listed below is the schedule for our Boosterthon Funrun (the codes have been emailed to you). We are truly excited about the day and all that it does for our school financially!! It is our goal to follow the schedule exactly and if there are weather concerns, we will reschedule.

Run Times:
5th Grade- 9:00 a.m.
4th Grade & Ms. Lyle’s class- 10:30 a.m.
3rd Grade- 1:00 p.m.

Parents should sign the field trip permission form in order for their child to walk over to Faith Community Fellowship once those are distributed.

Emailed to you are the access codes for each classroom’s pledge page on Teachers, please send the link and your classroom code to your parents so that they can go ahead and log onto The company has found that if parents receive the link and code prior to the event, it helps with pledges!

If you have any questions about Boosterthon, please see Mrs. Phillips!!

Boosterthon 2015

Parents! We’re excited to host the 9-day Boosterthon Fun Run as this year’s fundraiser. We kick off the fun, healthy, and character-building program on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 @ 2:00 p.m..

Plus, students will be learning five ways to make their community rock with Boosterthon’s character theme Rock’n Town Live, a music festival theme all about community. Along the way, students will gather pledges for how many laps they’ll run at the Boosterthon Fun Run event, which is on Friday, April 10, 2015 @ Faith Community Fellowship.

Your family is invited to come out and cheer on your student! Please help our school by connecting your student with sponsors. Thank you for your support!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week of March 23rd

Week of March 23rd  

J. Moore
Aldrich, Fox (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
Camara, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Gudgen
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PI)

Monday, March 23
G Day

Lesson Plans Checked

2:00 p.m. Dismissal


Tuesday, March 24
H Day
5th Grade Field Trip

9:00 a.m. Parent Math Academy

5:00 p.m. Parent Math Academy

Wednesday, March 25
A Day

Deadline for progress report grades

2:00 p.m. Boosterthon Student Kick-Off

3:05 p.m. Boosterthon Faculty Session

Thursday, March 26
B Day
5th Grade Field Trip

Friday, March 27
No Letter Day
Non-Fiction Reading Dance

Friday Freeze

March 30-April 3rd- Spring Break!!! Enjoy your week!

Happy Birthday:
27th- Jessica Woods

Friday, March 20, 2015

Earth Day

Just a reminder!  Earth Day is Saturday, April 18.  Student permission slips are due to teacher/coach by Monday, March 23 and registration should be completed on the Trussville Utilities website by Friday, March 27.  The site for registration is and look for the logo (below) and Happy Earth Day at the bottom of the page to register.  Make sure you register your team by Friday, March 27 to get an Earth Day t-shirt! 


Don’t forget to send me an email saying you are registering your class/team!

See you at Earth Day!