Thursday, March 26, 2015

PI Math Coach to Present at State Conference

Congratulations to Paine Intermediate’s Math Coach, Lisa Lothspeich!  Lisa was invited to present at the Alabama State
Department of Education’s 2015 MEGA Conference this summer in Mobile with Terrance Ingram from Scantron.
In Lisa’s session, participants will learn how Paine Intermediate School uses Achievement Series (AS) and Performance Series (PS) data to drive mathematics instruction. During her time in Mobile, Lisa has been invited to participate in a focus group about Global Scholar with Scantron Executives.  We are so proud of Lisa and her representation of our school and the Trussville City Schools district!

5th Grade Field Trip to Birmingham Botanical Gardens:

5th Grade students participated in a working field trip to fulfill several of the Language and Science standards from the College and Career Ready Standards set forth by our state.  Students louped and sketched various plant life. After analyzing their sketches of various plant life, they utilized their drawings to write poetry and stories to represent their findings.

James Spann Visits PI

One of the skills that a third grader must grasp is identifying conditions that result in specific weather phenomena, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes.  This includes identifying cloud types associated with specific weather patterns; identifying positive and negative effects of weather phenomena; identifying technology used to record and predict weather; explaining symbols shown on a weather map; and organizing weather data into tables or charts.  James Spann from ABC 33/40 shared his expertise about weather with 3rd graders at Paine Intermediate.

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