Monday, April 13, 2015

ACT Aspire Testing

ACT Aspire State Testing for Paine Intermediate School is as follows:

Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will test on the following days...

Thursday, April 16, 2015- Math
Friday, April 17, 2015- Reading
Monday, April 20, 2015- Writing
Tuesday, April 21, 2015- Science (5th grade only)

We ask that everyone get plenty of rest the night before, eat a good breakfast, be present each day and arrive on time!

Below you will find testing tips from our Counselors!!

    Do Your Best on the Tests!

Testing Tips from Mrs. Naylor & Mrs. Blake

As you get ready for school on test days, stay calm & relaxed.  Get up in plenty of time to eat & get ready without having to rush.  Come to school in a good mood, ready to test.  Please limit outings and late night extra-curricular activities that may interfere with your regular bedtime routine, as you need plenty of sleep to be rested each day.  If possible, try to reschedule routine doctor/dentist check-ups so that you are here for testing.  Any missed sub-tests will have to be made-up.  Get to school on time too!  If you check in late & the test has started, you won’t be allowed to enter your room.  You’ll have to make it up at a later time after your class has finished.

Other tips & strategies for standardized tests:

* Get a good night’s sleep & eat a well-balanced breakfast each morning (limit sugar.)
·         Wear comfortable clothes (clothes you feel relaxed in & not too tight or binding.)
·         Bring/wear a light weight jacket if you tend to get cold in your room.
·         Pin back hair/bangs if needed; hair in face can be distracting.
·         Leave distracting jewelry, toys, & games at home during testing.
·         No cell phones, IPODS, IPADS, or items that make noise or take pictures allowed the room! 
·         Have a good attitude & think positive; don’t stress!  You are ready & you can do it! 
·         Listen & follow all directions.  Read directions, questions, & every answer choice carefully. Don’t answer until you have read all the choices!  You can’t ask your teacher for help.
·         Don’t get discouraged because you won’t know every answer & that’s ok!
·         Think before you pick an answer; eliminate obvious wrong answers.
·         Make an educated guess if needed; don’t leave any blank answers.  Mark something!
·         Sit up straight if you are yawning & tired. Take some deep, relaxing breaths.
·         Don’t rush.  Work at middle speed, but be aware of the time as these tests have time limits.  Don’t spend too much time on one question.  Go back to hard problems if time permits. 
·         Darken bubbles fully & erase stray marks on the answer document. 
·         You may ask for scratch paper, but there will be space provided to work problems in your test booklets.  For the 5th gr. Science Test, 5th graders can ask for scratch paper as well.
·         Be sure the answer you are about to mark corresponds to the same question number you are on in the test booklet.  It is easy to get off track with your bubbling if you skip any. 
·         Copy math problems correctly; be sure to line up place values & double check the sign so that your computations will be right.
·         If your answer does not match one of the choices, see if you made a mistake.  Re-read the problem, re-copy the numbers, & try solving again. 
·         Check over your answers when you are finished; use your extra time wisely! 
·         Don’t change answers unless they are definitely wrong; your first guess is usually best.   

·         After you double check your work, sit quietly. You’re not allowed to do anything else until all tests are collected (you can’t take out a book to read, paper to write/draw, talk, etc.)

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