Monday, April 13, 2015

PEEHIP Coaching Session

Good Afternoon,

We are excited to let you know about some PEEHIP coaching sessions taking place in our district!!  These sessions fulfill the requirements for the 100 heart beats or telephone coaching.
These will take place at the following locations and are open to all employees and their spouses:

·         Mon, 5/4, 2:15:  Hewitt Trussville Middle School
·         Thurs, 5/14, 1:00:  Board of Education
·         Thurs, 5/14:  3:15:  Paine Primary

Each person who attends will receive a certificate and credit for their wellness coaching activity.  Therefore, they will NOT be required to complete the 100 heart beat digital coaching or telephonic coaching activity unless they would like to.

You are welcome to invite all active employees and their covered spouses, along with non-Medicare eligible retirees and spouses to this event

Additional details:
•             Length of presentation:  45 min  
•             Please recommend that members log into their personal portal before they attend the session: 
•             This will allow members to be informed about their status of completion towards earning their wellness reward prior to attending the presentation.
•             Please see attached flyer for additional program information (see email). 

Mandi Logan
Student Support Coordinator


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