Friday, October 31, 2014

Ipads in the Classroom!

Mrs. Felts 4th grade class engages in the creation of personal videos on their Ipads. The videos are based on their reading of The Trail of Tears.

Chef cooks for GATE students

GATE students were treated to a culinary experience by Chef Calvert.  He used vegetables grown in the garden to make a corn and sweet potato succotash!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week of November 3rd

Duties for Week of November 3rd 

Bingham, Fox (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
J. Wright, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
L. Smith
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Gudgen
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PI)

Mon, November 3
B Day
RTI Meetings


Tues, November 4
C Day

 CCRS Team Meeting
Wed, November 5
Club Day

Drama Rehearsal

Thurs, November 6
D Day
 Report Cards Issued

Mini Book Fair Begins

Fri, November 7
E Day
Veteran's Day Celebration (during lunch time)

**Lesson Plans will be checked the week of Nov. 10th 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Congratulations-Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Mr. Chris Byars (Music Teacher), Paine Intermediate's 2014-2015 Teacher of the Year!! He was selected by the PI faculty and the announcement was made today!! Mr. Byars was not only suprised, but very grateful to all for selecting him as our Teacher of the Year!!

Blog Update


I have updated the blog list on the parent and staff main blog pages. You can now find a link to everyone's blog page on the right hand side of the main blog page. I am also including them here as well.

Thank you,

Principal Blog Spot

Math at Paine Intermediate

Reading Blog

Mrs. Wessel and Mrs. Waites 4th Grade Class Blog

Mrs. Childs & Ms. Waites 3rd Grade Class Blog

Mrs. Felts 4th Grade Class Blog

Ms. M. Long’s 5th Grade Class Blog

Mrs. Deneke and Mrs. Dover’s 4th Grade Class Blog
Mrs. Aldrich & Mrs. Walls 4th Grade Class Blog

Red Ribbon Week Revision Reminder

Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 27th - 31st, 2014

Paine Intermediate

We are joining thousands of other schools across the USA in an effort to raise awareness about the dangers of using tobacco products, other drugs, and alcohol. Throughout the month, counselors will conduct drug awareness lessons for all classes according to the state counseling standards, and then dress up days during this week will help emphasize awareness too.. Daily themes for the week revolve around PI’s focus on student leadership; “The Leader in Me is Drug Free!”

*Please note: Since the Hewitt vs. Clay game was moved to Thursday, Oct. 30th, we are switching the last 2 dress up days.. In support of our HT Huskies, we will now wear our Husky Spirit clothing on Thursday, and then the bright, neon colored clothing on Friday. Thanks for your understanding!

Monday- Hats Off to Being Drug Free!
Students are encouraged to wear hats/caps to kick off the week and to help show their commitment to being a drug free leader.

Tuesday- Don’t Let Drugs Erase Your Dreams!
Students are encouraged to wear appropriate pajamas to school to remind them that drugs can erase their future hopes and dreams. Students must wear or bring tennis shoes for PE!

Wednesday- Leaders are “Red-y” to Say No to Drugs!
Students are encouraged to wear red colored clothing to show their support for Red Ribbon Week as it is “National Wear Red Day.” Remember, leaders stay drug free!

Thursday- These Paws Won’t Touch Drugs!
Students are encouraged to support our school team and wear their favorite Husky school spirit clothing to show that Paine Intermediate Husky Leaders will make smart choices and stay drug free. Go Huskies!

Friday- My Future is Bright so I’m Staying Drug Free!
All students are encouraged to wear bright, neon colored clothing as they commit to make good choices and be drug free for their future.



The Technology Department has asked us to remind you to please turn off your projector when it is not in use.  They are finding that leaving your projector on for extended periods of time while not in use is causing an error to occur in the projector that cannot be corrected.

Thanks for your help with this!

Red Ribbon Week-Pajama Day

Marlene Murrell
Cynthia Maldonado &
Samford University Intern

Veteran's Wall of Honor


We would like for everyone to get involved and send in pictures of those Veterans in your family so that they can be included on our Wall of Honor!! Please include the following information with your picture:

Veterans' Name
Branch of Military
Student's Name
Teacher's Name

Thank you!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Stop 20th Century Thinking

Great article on why we need to change our teaching style to meet the needs of the students we have today.

Stop 20th Century Thinking

United Way Totals!

Just wanted to shout out a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who donated to United Way this year.  I know that times are still tough and money is so tight for a lot of us, so we appreciate every cent that was raised.  We did a great job!  We came so close to making what we did last year.  The last couple of days helped us to close that $600 gap that we had been short.  I knew we could do it!  Here is the final breakdown:

Paine Primary- raised $2210 with 41 donors, (represented about 47% staff participation)
Paine Intermediate- raised $1529 with 19 donors, (represented about 25% staff participation)
Grand total- Together, Paine Campus raised $3739, which was only down $49 from last year, so way to finish strong!

I am so proud to work with fellow colleagues who are so generous in helping others.  That’s what it is all about!  We could be in the same boat one day, so thank you for sharing your blessings with those in need.   Until next year…. J   

Christy Naylor, Ed.S, LPC, RPT 
2nd and 3rd grade Counselor
Paine Primary & Intermediate Schools 
Trussville, AL                      

Quote for Today

“The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention…. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.”
—Rachel Naomi Remen

Beth Bruno
Interim Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Trussville City Schools
113 North Chalkville Road
Trussville, AL 35173

Giving a Hand!

Getting ready for Thanksgiving and Veterans Day.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Surprise Donation

Paine Intermediate’s SRO, Chuck Bradford, surprised Special Education teacher, Auburn Lyle, with a donation of four hundred fifty dollars.  The donation was given on behalf of the Hewitt-Trussville High School class of 1984 who celebrated their thirty-year reunion in August of this year.  Officer Bradford is a member of the 1984 Hewitt-Trussville High School class.

Ms. Lyle states that she, "plans to use the funds to buy a canopy tent to use when we go to the Special Olympics and other outdoor activities. I also will purchase a book binding machine so I can make adapted books for my students to read! The money has truly been a blessing!"

Data Meeting 10-28-14

Good Afternoon everyone:

Attached you will find the schedule for data meeting on Tuesday, October 28, 2014. All data meetings will be held during your planning period. They are optional that day, and if you can’t make it, I have set up a make-up date and time for Thursday, October 30. 2014 (7:00 a.m. or 3:30 p.m.). We will have breakfast, lunch and desserts on Tuesday (dependent upon the time of your meeting) on Tuesday.

This will be a great, structured time for you to analyze your data with your grade level and switch partner. We will present the data in a way that you haven’t seen just yet. Our wonderful Academic Coaches have developed charts that are user friendly and will allow us to review the data in a way that I strongly believe in and will be beneficial for instructional planning. What we come away with on Tuesday will be a very useful academic instructional guide for you to plan your teaching (and/or intervention) for the remainder of the year. It won’t be anything “extra” to do, it will simply open our eyes to areas in need of support; and think about a plan for the future. If you have questions about your individual data that you presently have, we will be happy to address those.

I will share with you all my goals and outcomes for the meeting, things I’ve done in the past when analyzing data, and answer questions as we progress through the meetings. Our time together on Tuesday will be brief, so we’ve got to stay focused and work efficiently!

I am excited about our first data meeting together, and if we find anything that needs to be adjusted or added, we will surely do that for the next meeting!

Paine Intermediate School
Data Meeting 10-28-14

Agenda & Schedule
Breakfast group (breakfast provided)
8:45-9:30                   Yellow Hall                 5th Grade
9:40-10:30                 Blue Hall                     5th Grade
10:35-11:25               Green Hall                  4th Grade

Lunch group (lunch provided)
11:30-12:20               Orange Hall                4th Grade
12:55-1:45                 Red Hall                      3rd Grade

Dessert group (sweet treats provided)
1:45-2:35                   Purple Hall                 3rd Grade

Make-Up Session
Thursday, October 30th
7:00 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. in the main office Conference Room

Materials Needed
Eager, Open and Excited Mind…Ready to review data!!!

Topics We Will Discuss:

Present and Past Class Reports
New Data (rankings)
Disaggregated skills reports
Academic Strengths and Areas in Need of Support (glows and grows)
How we will “grow” our children the middle???
Other Topics…

Week of October 27th

Duties for Week of October 27th

Peters, Fox (A.M. - Chrisenberry / P.M. – Gudgen and Christopher)
Horn, Meacham
Outside Car Line
Bus Line
F. Smith
Blain / Carlile
Computer Labs
Christopher and Dawson
Lothspeich, Walls, P Smith, Gudgen
Parking Lot (PM)
Griffith (PP)


Mon, October 27
E Day

Teacher of the Year Nominations are Due

PI & HTMS ACT Aspire Parent Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. @ HTMS

Tues, October 28
F Day

Data Meetings
Wed, October 29
G Day
3rd Grade Assembly

Monthly Special Education Meeting

Drama Rehearsal
Mandatory Drama Parent Meeting @ 4:30

Kona Ice AR Celebration

Thurs, October 30
H Day
4th Grade Assembly

TAC Meeting

Make-Up Data Meeting @ 7:00 a.m. & 3:30 p.m.

Report Card Grades are Due

Hewitt-Trussville High School Football Game
Fri, October 31
A Day
5th Grade Assembly

End of 1st Trimester

Happy Birthday!
October 29th               Kelly McGough

October 30th               Callie Ward    

Friday, October 24, 2014

Academic Vocabulary Showcase

Students in Ms. Fran Box's class share their academic vocabulary visual depiction and personal sentences on how they know that the Fall season is here!!!

Keep Up the Good Work!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wall of Honor


We would like for everyone to get involved and send in pictures of those Veterans in your family so that they can be included on our Wall of Honor!! Please include the following information with your picture:

Veterans' Name
Branch of Military
Student's Name
Teacher's Name

Thank you!

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 27th - 31st, 2014
Paine Intermediate

We are joining thousands of other schools across the USA in an effort to raise awareness about the dangers of using tobacco products, other drugs, and alcohol. Throughout the month, counselors will conduct drug awareness lessons for all classes according to the state counseling standards, and then dress up days during this week will help emphasize awareness as well. The daily themes for the week revolve around PI’s focus on student leadership; “The Leader in Me is Drug Free!”

Monday- Hats Off to Being Drug Free!

Students are encouraged to wear hats/caps to kick off the week and to help show their commitment to being a drug free leader.

Tuesday- Don’t Let Drugs Erase Your Dreams!

Students are encouraged to wear appropriate pajamas to school to remind them that drugs can erase their future hopes and dreams. Students must wear or bring tennis shoes for PE!

Wednesday- Leaders are “Red-y” to Say No to Drugs!

Students are encouraged to wear red colored clothing to show their support for Red Ribbon Week as it is “National Wear Red Day.” Remember, leaders stay drug free!

Thursday- My Future is Bright so I’m Staying Drug Free!

All students are encouraged to wear bright, neon colored clothing as they commit to make good choices and be drug free for their future.

Friday- These Paws Won’t Touch Drugs!

Students are encouraged to wear their favorite Husky school spirit clothing to show that Paine Intermediate Husky Leaders will make smart choices and stay drug free.

Reading and Academic Vocabulary

Kimberly Gagliano in Mrs. Ekonen's 3rd grade class excitedly shared what book she's reading! She then went on to say, "I have something to show you...," and it was our word of the week in her book!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

ACT Aspire Collaborative Data Presentation

HTMS and PI will join together on Monday, October 27, 2014, for a collaborative presentation on ACT Aspire Assessment Data at 6:00 p.m. at HTMS. Dr. Phyllis Faust will be discussing aspects of the ACT Aspire Test. Student score reports will be handed out to parents in attendance. If you cannot attend, a copy will be mailed home.

Paine Intermediate parents may also attend our Coffee with the Principal on Thursday, October 23, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. to receive the same information. You will also be able to pick up your child's assessment results at that time.

Come out and enjoy time at your child's school by attending...

Coffee With the Principal

When: Thursday, October 23, 2014

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Paine Intermediate School-Amphitheater

Various curriculum and instruction topics will be discussed. Parents in attendance will receive their child's ACT Aspire standardized test score results.

Hope to see you there!!

Baby News!!

Congratulations to Karen Ekonen and her family...She found out very recently that she is having a BOY!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Silver" for Stars and Stripes

“Silver” for Stars and Stripes!
Show your Husky pride and help purchase an
American flag to fly at the new Hewitt Field!

To help show our patriotism and our Husky pride, we would like to present the TCS Board with a large, U.S.  flag to be flown for all athletic events at the new Hewitt-Trussville High School stadium. 

On Thursday and Friday of this week, we will have a collection box for “silver” (nickels, dimes, or quarters).  Students who wish to participate may simply drop their coin into the box.  With almost 2000 students on our campus, a small amount will quickly add up, and we should be able to purchase a big, beautiful flag to be flown at Hewitt Field in the upcoming school year.   

We want our students to feel involved in the excitement surrounding the opening of the stadium on Friday, and contributing toward a new flag is just a small way we can do that. 

Betsy Schmitt                     Autumm Jeter

      Paine Primary                    Paine Intermediate

Monday, October 20, 2014

Working Hard in the Garden

Students working hard in the garden! What a true project-based/hands-on learning our "friends" are engaged in!!