Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thank you.

Yesterday was the most memorable day in a long, long while.  Thank you for all you did to make the day fun, memorable, and special.  The day started out with lots of hugs and laughs, and delicious food appeared all day long.  Thank you for all of the flowers, cards, candy, and gifts.  The reading rabbit is now at home in our garden, adding a touch of whimsy and delight.  I  love the pearl necklace; it will serve as such a lovely reminder of you all.  The walk through the halls at dismissal was unbelievable.  Thank you.  I have spent the entire afternoon reading every card the staff and students made.  I have laughed and cried.  I  so appreciate the time everyone took to have students write to me.  I won't make you read them all (There were over 800 letters), but I had to share some highlights.  

From Auburn's Class

I will interpret for you.  "You stay for 11 years of crying kids getting sent to you - I am happy for you."

Sage advice from one of our wise kiddos.   

Ok.  Yeah.  I am pretty sure I am going to think about getting a new hair style.   

Do you think this style makes me look fat?

Much love to you all.
Beth (AKA - Princibal/Principle Burno)

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