Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Teacher Advisory Committee-September

Below you will find the questions/submissions and responses presented to the Teacher Advisory

Committee for the month of September. If you have any questions, feel free to contact any  

representative of the T.A.C. Our next meeting will be held October 30, 2014.

1. May we please consider delaying the beginning of the Literacy Professional Learning Teams?  We as a school are only on our 2nd year of implementing the Common Core Standards and putting them into action with our lessons.  During each CAD planning, we are reexamining our plans to take out any unnecessary items and increasing the rigor throughout all subjects.  We desperately need every planning day available to do these things well.  Please allow us to have as many planning days as possible to become experts in our subjects instead of barely skimming the surface. 

PLTs are Professional Learning Teams.  These teams will meet several times throughout the year to strengthen and improve the work being produced in your CADs.  We have designated a Literacy PLT and a Math PLT comprised of teachers across grade levels and specialty areas.  The vision is for members of the PLT to focus on areas such as enrichment, intervention, professional development, technology, and academic vocabulary.  Knowledge gained from these interactions will be integrated into the lessons designed in CAD. 
Specialists are assuming the responsibility of meeting to plan our leadership assemblies for each grade level throughout the year.

PLTs will convene at the end of October and continue throughout the year.  You can open the attachments to determine which PLT you will serve on.  PLTs were assigned based on passions or interests expressed, or a particular skill set observed.  **See email for attached documents**

2. Dr. Jeter is an incredible addition to our school.  She is positive, personable and encouraging to teachers and students!  Thrilled she is here!

Dr. Jeter’s response, “I am glad to be here.  The plan is to keep things the same and keep it flowing.  I feel welcomed by the staff at Paine Intermediate.”

3. Could we have an iNow cheat sheet?

Danna is working on putting something together to aid the staff. It will be available by the end of October.

4. Could the Specialists eat in the lunchroom and help supervise students?

We prefer that you share supervision with your partner teacher.  If you need to leave the lunchroom for a moment to handle an issue, that is fine, but your partner teacher will need to oversee your students until you can return.

5. Could we have a TCS website cheat sheet?                  

**There is an additional document that has been emailed to you**

6. Could we get clarification about CAD start and stop time (2:00-3:15 or 2:00-3:30)

CAD times are 2:00-3:15, ending at your usual work schedule; however, if you feel you need extra time you are free to keep working with your team.


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