Sunday, October 26, 2014

Data Meeting 10-28-14

Good Afternoon everyone:

Attached you will find the schedule for data meeting on Tuesday, October 28, 2014. All data meetings will be held during your planning period. They are optional that day, and if you can’t make it, I have set up a make-up date and time for Thursday, October 30. 2014 (7:00 a.m. or 3:30 p.m.). We will have breakfast, lunch and desserts on Tuesday (dependent upon the time of your meeting) on Tuesday.

This will be a great, structured time for you to analyze your data with your grade level and switch partner. We will present the data in a way that you haven’t seen just yet. Our wonderful Academic Coaches have developed charts that are user friendly and will allow us to review the data in a way that I strongly believe in and will be beneficial for instructional planning. What we come away with on Tuesday will be a very useful academic instructional guide for you to plan your teaching (and/or intervention) for the remainder of the year. It won’t be anything “extra” to do, it will simply open our eyes to areas in need of support; and think about a plan for the future. If you have questions about your individual data that you presently have, we will be happy to address those.

I will share with you all my goals and outcomes for the meeting, things I’ve done in the past when analyzing data, and answer questions as we progress through the meetings. Our time together on Tuesday will be brief, so we’ve got to stay focused and work efficiently!

I am excited about our first data meeting together, and if we find anything that needs to be adjusted or added, we will surely do that for the next meeting!

Paine Intermediate School
Data Meeting 10-28-14

Agenda & Schedule
Breakfast group (breakfast provided)
8:45-9:30                   Yellow Hall                 5th Grade
9:40-10:30                 Blue Hall                     5th Grade
10:35-11:25               Green Hall                  4th Grade

Lunch group (lunch provided)
11:30-12:20               Orange Hall                4th Grade
12:55-1:45                 Red Hall                      3rd Grade

Dessert group (sweet treats provided)
1:45-2:35                   Purple Hall                 3rd Grade

Make-Up Session
Thursday, October 30th
7:00 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. in the main office Conference Room

Materials Needed
Eager, Open and Excited Mind…Ready to review data!!!

Topics We Will Discuss:

Present and Past Class Reports
New Data (rankings)
Disaggregated skills reports
Academic Strengths and Areas in Need of Support (glows and grows)
How we will “grow” our children the middle???
Other Topics…

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