Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Club Day

Three years ago, Paine Intermediate teachers and administrators were searching for ways to provide time during the school day for professional learning.  After lots of conversations and preparations, the school rolled out Club Day, a win-win for students and staff.  Club Day is a special day that occurs because of the innovation, hard work and and generosity of our counselors, specialist teachers, substitutes, and community volunteers like ministers and retired servicemen. 

If you ask any student what their favorite day is at Paine Intermediate, chances are they will tell you, “Club Day!”  Ask a teacher what day is most valuable, and they, too, will most likely say, “Club Day!”

Thank you, Lauren Blake, for the huge amount of work you do to make this happen.  Thank you to everyone for making Club Day such a success.  

                Making Beautiful Music in Choir with Mr. Byars

Staying Fit and Having Fun with Coach Carlile and Coach Chrisenberry

Selling School Supplies in the School Store with Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Blake

   Learning Sign Language with Office Bradford and Mrs. Tippen

              Learning to Play Chess with Coach Pino

                        Learning Code with Mrs. Long

              Making Sculptures in Art with Mrs. Ward

             Public Speaking with Mr.Lacey and Mr. Dickson

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