Friday, October 17, 2014

Emergency Drills Today

Paine Intermediate Parents:

Paine Intermediate School engaged in the following three emergency preparedness drills today: Severe Weather Drill, Fire Drill and Intruder Drill. We started at approximately 8:10 a.m. and were finished with all three drills by 9:05 a.m. Teachers have reviewed  procedures and steps students should take for the various drills since the beginning of the school year, and again just this week.

The Intruder Drill was a collaborative effort between our School Resource Officers and the administration here at Paine Intermediate. All students and teachers immediately housed themselves for a temporary period of time in their designated safe place.

Our fire and severe weather drills are more routine drills that students participate in on a monthly basis. As expected, all students and staff immediately positioned themselves for a temporary period of time in their designated safe place.

We appreciate the students outstanding behavior and cooperation. All drills today were a success and we commend everyone involved!

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